Imported from Allen Matkins

Imported from Allen Matkins

An Evening with Justice Cruz Reynoso - Allen...

577 views January 11, 2019

In November CMCP and Allen Matkins hosted a special screening of the documentary film Cruz...

Imported from Allen Matkins

Prop 65: State Law on Consumer Warning Labels...

10,159 views January 11, 2019 California's Proposition 65 requires businesses to provide consumer...

Imported from Allen Matkins

How to Determine Fair Market Rental Rates when...

3,006 views January 11, 2019 Tenants will often bargain for a renewal right to extend the term of...

Imported from Allen Matkins

2011 Allen Matkins Multifamily Trends...

129 views January 21, 2019 According to the expert panel at the Allen Matkins Multifamily...

Imported from Allen Matkins

Green Commercial Buildings: Attracting...

1,245 views January 11, 2019

htttp:// What is the value of a green building in the market? What is the...

Imported from Allen Matkins

Dukes v WalMart - One Supreme Court Decision...

2,833 views January 11, 2019 This summer, the United State Supreme Court will decide Dukes v....

Imported from Allen Matkins

Green Leases: Keeping Buildings Green and...

416 views January 11, 2019 "Green Lease" is the term that is applied to a lease that sustains...

Imported from Allen Matkins

Guide Dogs for the Blind - Allen Matkins...

6,456 views January 11, 2019 Dr. Eileen Nottoli, an environmental attorney in Allen Matkins San...

Imported from Allen Matkins

Keith Bishop Attorney Profile

605 views January 11, 2019 Keith Bishop is a corporate and securities attorney at Allen...

Imported from Allen Matkins

Allen Matkins is Named Century City Corporate...

249 views January 11, 2019 Allen Matkins was named Century City "Citizen of the Year" in 2010....